FA 3600 blog, Writing for New Media. Spring 2010

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Monday, February 22, 2010


I didn't get around to seeing this in theaters but rented it the other day and loved it! It was SO unique and really surprised me. A few reasons why I enjoyed it so much:
  • It isn't your typical alien movie when the supernatural come to earth for a purpose, to try and dominate or something. In this scenario, the aliens coexist with the humans and have done so for the last 20 years (it takes place during current times). They accidentally landed here and aren't really that smart; allowing the humans to control them. This was a nice break since I have never seen a plot quite like this.
  • The style in which it was filmed was also very unique. The movie has a very documentary feel to it (that is extremely convincing) with a lot of hand-held and surveillance type footage, BUT they also incorporate high quality cinematic shots. They blend the two types together so seamlessly that you don't even realize where the transitions come in. I was very impressed.
  • The aliens looked pretty bad ass and the special effects were really neat.
  • And last but not least, the main actor in the movie did an extraordinary job. I've never seen him in films before but he is really talented.
Watch the Trailer

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Although there have been some reviews so far that this film is terrible, I think it deserves an upgrade to "OK". However, if you girls out there love Chase Crawford and/or Gossip Girl, this will be a fantastic film. Even though the story comes from a novel, it seems very similar to the GG series (but way more intense). Similarities:
Chase Crawford
Upper East Side Manhattan
Troubled rich teenagers

Hate to admit it, but somehow I got dragged into watching Gossip Girl. So although this flick didn't seem original to me, I liked it because it was a very dressed up and more suspense building version of a GG episode with very good production quality.
I saw this movie at Sundance so I don't know if it is available to watch anywhere at the moment, but I'm sure somewhere down the road it will pop up somewhere.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Oh man!
Was this flick intense or what. The entire movie uses one actor and one location. Ryan Reynolds took the lead (and only) role for this unique film. He gets buried alive and is left with a cell phone, lighter, and pocket knife. Reynolds was fantastic in this role. He displays more human emotion in 90 minutes than most humans go through in a lifetime. Out of the four Sundance movies I saw this year, this was my favorite. There's no way I could write a script that would keep the audience entertained and full of suspense with only using one location and actor, but they pulled off this feat somehow. It was a great experience as the movie's power instantly made me feel claustrophobic and short of air from the start and left me sitting on the edge of my seat by the end.
I've heard that this movie has now been picked up by a major company and will make into theaters sometime this year. Go see it.