Here's another film that steps outside the conventional methods of shooting film. I think this will be another hit-or-miss type of flick, but I enjoyed it mostly just because it's something different.
Shooting the entire movie from the point of view of one hand held camera that travels with a group of friends through New York City as destruction is all around, people will either find this film technique visually entertaining and innovative or just annoying since the camera is extremely shaky.
Although I agree with a lot of people that the footage didn't need to be so shaky as it almost made me sick at some parts, it's nice to be told a story from such a narrow angle sometimes. Then again, some people didn't like the method and would have liked the more generic mainstream style of storytelling so that they could have seen the whole picture.
So in a nutshell, this movie is different than most films by how the content is presented which people either appreciate or find annoying. I'll add though that the monster (clover) is pretty cool and they build up suspense by not over showing the creature.